Micro-niching as a Financial Advisor; what is it and will it change Financial Services as we know it?
Finn Kelly of Wealth Enhancers and Clayton Daniel of XY Adviser discuss the power of behavioural coaching and why Finn strongly believes ‘lifestyle planning’ is no longer just optional, but should should be an essential part of an Advisor’s value proposition.
Wealth Enhancers are hosting their (possibly last) Coaching Academy in a few weeks (6-8 May in Sydney). There’s still time to register and learn how to become a great coach for the biggest demographic of people in the world:
Info: https://wealthenhancers.com/coaching-academy/
Tix: https://wealthenhancers.typeform.com/to/vJRIDU
Episode highlights:
5:00 – Behavioural coaching and being a lifestyle planner
7:00 – Micro-niching
11:30 – What kind of tech are you using now compared to 5 years ago?
16:45 – It’s less about being an Advisor, and more about being a brand
29:00 – How did you upskill in behavioural finance?
30:30 – The WECA academy; what is it, how to get tickets.
Show Notes:
Finn Kelly LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/finnkelly1/
Wealth Enhancers - https://wealthenhancers.com/
General Disclaimer - https://www.xyadviser.com/disclaimer/
This podcast is brought to you by HUB24 (https://www.HUB24.com.au), an ASX listed company with over $10b in funds under management and one of the fastest growing platforms in the market. They believe in connecting advisers to innovative solutions that create opportunity, while delivering an awesome user and client experience.
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